Robert "Bob" Miller

Bob Miller was one of the earliest members of the Williston Boys' Baseball Committee and served for over 25 years in that capacity. He served on the Williston Park Board for 12 years as President and was the "Fundraiser" for the baseball program whenever money was needed. From selling ads or just approaching sponsors who could never turn him down.
Bob served as the Host President for the 1980 Babe Ruth World Series in Williston and set the bar high for all the ones to follow. Bob was the "Voice of the Keybirds" calling baseball games for almost 30 years with High School and College. He called over 10,000 sporting events in Williston.
As Park Board President, he was instrumental in joining the Williston Recreation Council and Williston Park Board into one department in 1977. Miller was also indicted into the American Legion Baseball Hall of Fame in 1991. The middle field will be named in Bob's honor.